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Ail Rose de Lautrec

HomeCreole GarlicAil Rose de Lautrec

Ail Rose de Lautrec


Product Description

Creoles are a group that originated in the warmer climate of Spain, then made its way to ‘southern North America’. They offer a fine taste and long storage. Even in ideal growing conditions they produce only medium sized bulbs. Creoles are distinct in their appearance, with beautiful deep coloured shades of red and purple to soft pink wrappers covering the cloves.. enabling them to be easily identifiable.

We are increasing our acreage of this little French ‘jewel’ of culinary ‘delight’… stay tuned in.

Flavour / Heat:

Similar to rocamboles in flavour, sweet but can be a bit hot.

Availability: Unavailable in 2023

Contact us to place your order today.

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